Sunday, December 31, 2006

another (boring) New Year's Eve

Last year, I spent my New Year's Eve in a hotel room with two friends watching VH-1's "I love the 80's" for a few hours. I was driving up in my little Budget truck on my way to my new life in the Big Apple. I guess that isn't so boring. And it's been one year, which is hard to believe.

I spent the day with my family, having breakfast with parents and taking my 3 year old neice on a date to the park, the mall and the bookstore. Here's a picture from the date. I am excited to get back to the city, but I will miss this adorable sassy girl, along with many others!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas in Florida

So, the day started out with rain, a tornado warning and some more rain. Yay Florida. But, I don't mind it when I'm not walking around on the street in it. And, I hardly think of it when I'm playing with my crazy little 3 year old neice...

doesn't she look like Hulk Hogan here? I just love it.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


So, I've just recently got around to watching this beautifully creative and interesting movie. I loved it. Thanks to my only friend who ever reads my blog, Kathy! I've watched it twice all my 'free' time that I should have spent working. It's such a great movie.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

another uploaded picture

Ok, in the interest of artistic-ness, I am uploading this picture. It is probably my favorite from the ones I took while abroad last Fall. The backdrop is Westminster Abbey in London.
a weird picture, i know. i'm just trying out this awesomely simple 'upload photo' option on blogger. the things you can do these days! makes me want to take a gazillion pictures so i can blog them.

i guess i better tell people to read my blog first so i am actually blogging for a reason, other than to read my own words myself.

Friday, November 24, 2006


my dad would be so proud. while playing Scrabble, i got 66 points on "juicy" while my unfortunate opponent cringed. triple letter on the 8 point "j" and my "y" landed on the Double Word. victory, victory.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

why blog?

This is Jane 2 again. I'm not sure how committed Jane 1 is to this blogging ordeal.

But nonetheless, I feel the need to write something.

I'm wondering, though, why I feel like I have to sound smart as I write this stupid blog. Nobody has even read my blog yet. Hardly anybody knows about it and I'm not sure who would read it if they knew.

Which makes me wonder, in general, why do people blog? And, when did 'blog' become a verb? When did it become a noun for that matter?

Sunday, October 08, 2006


my favorite word of the week: autumnal.

though the original plan was for both 'brilliant janes' to be involved in the blogging process, i think i may start writing for my own reflection. this is officially my first personal blog entry ever. i will call myself Jane 2.

i spent a weekend with people from my church and listened to four teachings on the book of Ruth. the first lesson especially sticks in my mind and troubles my heart. or, should i say, God is stirring my heart because of the words i heard. naomi, a woman stricken with grief and loss after the death of her husband and two sons, is left with two daughters in law. in those times, i think that meant she was left with hardly anything and nobody to carry on her inheritance.

she says some poignant statements about her life, some brutally honest statements. yet, one thing pointed out was that she never said she was bitter; but simply, her life was bitter. most people see her as a woman who has succumb to her own sadness and is calling others to pity her. the perspective i received of her this weekend, however, was quite different.

she was honest. she was bringing her complaints before God not because she wanted to deny Him, but because she knew that His promises were supposed to mean something. God is supposed to be good; He is supposed to take care of us; He is supposed to never leave us. naomi's complaints and statements were grounded in her faith of God's character. she knew what He was supposed to be doing, what He is supposed to be like so she was simply expressing her confusion and sorrow over the way things were and how the two realities did not match up.

my coffee shop is closing. good night.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

random lyrics

i don't love you anymore.

i'll be the breeze after the storm has gone.

you almost had your hooks in me.

never make a pretty woman your wife.

you're a butterfly.

she was the kind of girl who said things that weren't that funny.

damn it.