Saturday, November 17, 2007

pictures to come

I was in Florida last weekend to visit my (now) 4 year old neice, Samantha. We celebrated her birthday a couple times and it was so much fun seeing her, along with her 11 month old little sister Hannah.

What broke my heart, though, was leaving Samantha. She screamed, she cried, she bit her stuffed animal...she was really upset. I was a wreck for a while afterward, even after talking to her on the phone about 30 minutes after leaving her and hearing her definitely not crying anymore.

She's growing up. She's bonding more with me, with people. She's realizing that saying 'goodbye' means that it will be a while before she sees me again. She's experiencing actual sadness instead of just being fussy. It hurts me to know that she'll have to grow up to understand pain. I wish I could shield her from it.

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